Member-only story
Adult Games
He heard her stir. She must think he was sleeping, falling into the trap thanks to his perfect imitation of a throaty snore, and now his ears had caught the sound of rustling sheets on her side of the bed.
Yes, she was gone, cheating on him again. Her footfall was faint on the carpet but he had been waiting for it. The wood on the third stair creaked like it always did ever since he had intentionally pulled out a nail. The bitch.
He opened half an eye, then turned to the mahogany side table and fumbled for his Rolex. Just past 3 am. He didn’t wear the watch while he slept anymore. She didn’t like it. It had taken him almost six months to get used to sleeping without it. His arm had felt lighter, the reassuring grip of the leather strap on his wrist missing.
These things were hard for him. She knew that, and still she had made him abandon the watch instead of adjusting to his habits after their wedding. She repeated what the doctor always said. He had to start with the little things.
Damn, he hoped the bastard she was cheating him with had a “little thing.” It must be the lawyer from London. Her boutique New York consultancy had just signed on a couple of clients in the United Kingdom, which meant she was often working late nights with British lawyers and bankers.