Do not live a double life.
Be someone else at home and a different person outside.
It is tiring. Personalities are not clothes.
Denim in the afternoon and silk on the weekend.
Boots or stilettos. Neither work.
Four inches of heels don’t raise your stature.
Tear away your clothes lest you become the ignorant Emperor.
Live naked.
Show them your skin. Your heart.
Your soul.
Show them the scars.
The bullet holes from failures past.
Show them you are still there. Still standing.
Ready to dive in the mud.
For while clothes dirty and tear, the skin shall seal.
Replenish and heal.
No one wears shoes as they step into the sea.
Bare your feet. Shed your clothes.
The tide will come to undress you.
Embrace it.
There is no escape.
A poem on loneliness for your next read?